Home Movies Rogue City (2020)

Rogue City (2020)


Rogue City (2020)

Caught in the crosshairs of police corruption and Marseille’s warring gangs, a loyal cop must protect his squad by taking matters into his own hands.

Rogue City (2020) Details

Type: movie
Release Date: Oct 31, 2020
Country: France
Language: French
Genre: Crime, Thriller, Action, Drama
Imdb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10127684/
Cast: Lannick Gautry as Richard Vronski, Stanislas Merhar as Willy Kapelian, Kaaris as Max Beaumont, Jean Reno as Ange Leonetti, David Belle as Zach Damato, Gérard Lanvin as Paul Maranzano, Moussa Maaskri as Mario Costa, Catherine Marchal as Katia de Vrindt, Patrick Catalifo as Georges Campana, Francis Renaud as Franck Nadal, Erika Sainte as Zoe Wronski, Jeanne Bournaud as Hélène Litvak, Claudia Cardinale as Catarina Bastiani, Virgile Bramly as Victor Scanga, Ériq Ebouaney as Stephan Jankovic, Dani as Angelina Maranzano, Ange Basterga as Thierry ‘Sosa’ Bentz, Pierre-Marie Mosconi as Joseph Bastiani, Alain Figlarz as Santu Bastiani, Michelle Figlarz as Nanou Costa, Jean-Pierre Sanchez as Serge Rizzo, Barbara Opsomer as Manon Leonetti, Ambre Pietri as Sacha Kapelian, Cédric Appietto as Antoine Fragaglia, Ange Notari as Saïd Larbi

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